Roy Ka-Wei LEE 

I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar (ISTD), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). I am  also leading the Social AI Studio, a dedicated research group that strives to develop cutting-edge social artificial intelligence systems.

My research journey began at the Singapore Management University, where I obtained the full suite of qualifications; Bachelor, Masters, and Ph.D. Degree in Information Systems, on fully-funded scholarships from the university. I was also fortunate to be advised by Professor Lim Ee-Peng for my PhD studies.

My research lies on the intersection of data mining, machine learning, computational social science, and natural language processing. I am particularly interested in improving online safety and trust, designing solutions to combat online hate speech, misinformation, etc. In view of his expertise and contributions to online trust and safety research, I was recently appointed as Adjunct Senior Scientist in Singapore’s Centre for Advanced Technologies in Online Safety (CATOS), which focuses on building robust technological capabilities that combat online harms, including misinformation and content that undermines people's well-being. 

Ads: We offer scholarships to outstanding students enrolled in SUTD's Ph.D. programmes. We are also looking for Research Assistant and Research Fellow! If you are a hardworking student who is keen on doing research on data mining, machine learning,  social computing, computational social science, and natural language processing, do drop me an email!